Adding Special Symbols in Scraps

Adding Special Symbols in Scraps !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is a much awaited trick on Orkut
very less users know about it
be d one n Impress your friends !!

here it is

Press alt key and d following 4rm num pad ...

alt + 987 - █
alt + 1 - ☺
alt + 2 - ☻
alt + 3 - ♥
alt + 4 - ♦
alt + 5 - ♣
alt + 6 - ♠
alt + 7 - •
alt + 8 - ◘
alt + 9 - ○

alt + 0178 - ²
alt + 0489 - é
alt + 0756 - ô
alt + 0742 - æ
alt + 0719 - Ï
alt + 0739 - ã
alt + 0729 - Ù

The same way many combinations can be tried..
Note: most of this Symbols ever work on Facebook and other Social Networking sites similar to Orkut.

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